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—A Directory of Authors: Three NOT Recommended Lists
—How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire
—The Alpha Course: An Evangelical Contradiction
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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Psuedo-Christian Cults At Your Door

Test all things, hold fast to what is good.
(1 Thes. 5:21)

Countless people flee when they hear the local cultists knocking on their front door. If they do not flee they mock and make rude remarks to the people who have arrived. I have a friend who is an ex-Jehovah's Witness who went door to door for over 30 years. He does not remember one Christian who ever shared the Gospel with him. Sad indeed!

When people, especially Christians mock those trapped in the cults, this only reinforces the individuals "persecution" mindset and deepens their commitment to "God's organization".
We don't run. We speak to these people for whom Christ died. We share the Gospel of the Real

Jesus Christ with them - no matter how inconvenient the timing is.
Only after we have scaled the foreign language barrier of cultism can we make any sense of what they are saying. We define every term that has "spiritual" overtones - all of them. Otherwise we will follow them down the cultic road of a redefined Jesus, redefined salvation, redefined Christianity, etc.

My heart breaks for those who have been duped by religionists. People who instist on working for their salvation when Christ has already finished the work of redepmtion on the cross. "It is finished", Jesus cried out. The Lamb of God shed His sinless blood. Payment for sin has been made. God's own Eternal Son suffered divine wrath in our place - so we can go to heaven.

People need to repent of dead works and be born of the Holy Spirit. Reincarnation is lie. Being made spirituallly alive in and through Christ is what Christianity is about. Being a NEW creation in Christ and having true fellowship with God through His Son and by His Spirit.

What are us Christians doing about the biggest unmet mission field in the Western world - the Kingdom of the Cults and the Occult? Do we love them enough to be educated ourselves so we can tell them of Christ's love?

What do YOU DO when they come to your door? Because they will come if they have not already!!! Are you going to run, flee and not answer the door? How about getting some answers so that you are able to UNDERSTAND them. Then, and only then, can you share the REAL JESUS with them.

People, if Christians don't take the time with these folks, they will end up in hell after they have believed and lived a lie - in the name of "Christianity".
Here are some links so that you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of books - although a small library of discernment books can always be of value.

Print out the following article and keep it handy for when the local finrge groups show up.

Another Jesus - by Mike Oppenheimer at Let Us Reason
The Jesus of the Cults and Religions - Let Us Reason
Here are some good links for your favorites folder. AND you can print these out and make a folder that you can refer to. Just reading through these articles will equip you for evangelism like never before. As we say er in bonnie Scotland - "Give ii a shot!"

A counterfeit always proves there is a non-counterfeit. Christian cults counterfeit Christianty.
Merriam-Webster Online: Definition of CounterfeitWikipedia: Definition of CounterfeitEncyclopedia Britannica: Definition of Counterfeiting

Find out how counterfeit money is tested.
U.S. Secret Service: How To Detect Counterfeit Money
Counterfeit Detection (Currency): Spotting a Counterfeit
Now you know how to test counterfeit money.

How about using your Bible to test counterfeit Gospels. Know the truth so well that you recognize error when you see it.

Proper Biblical Interpretation always exposes counterfeit forms of Christianity.
Eight Rules of Interpretation (Used by legal experts for more than 2500 years)
20 Scripture Twisting Methods of Cults

Merriam-Webster Online
Deception in the Church - Defining Terms
Handbook of Today's Religions
Watchman Fellowship - Patterns in the Cults
CARM - About Cults
The Centers For Apologetic Research - Cults
Apologetics Index - Cult of Christianity
Watchman Fellowship - Cult or Cultic?
Handbook of Today's Religions - Characteristics of a Cult


Check it out: Spiritual Research Network

Here are some websites who are helping impact Scotland for Christ
Check it out: The Centers For Apologetic Research (Thanks Paul and Associates)
Check it out: Deception in the Church (Thanks Sandy)
Check it out: The Discernment Bomb Search Engine (Thanks Sandy for setting this up)
Check it Out: Let Us Reason (Thanks Mike)

Our upgraded and much more extensive SRN site will be uploading in the future but it is a slow process. Many good things keep us occupied day in and day out and many days I end up working late in our office here. I can now practically do some html on the websites and this is helping speed things up a bit. Well, a little.

Please pray for us:

1. Grace, widsom, strength and the fulness of God's love.
2. Love for the lost.
3. Clarity when shring the truth with anyone and everyone.
4. The most important thing - for the salvation of souls.

Thank you for praying with us!
Loving one another,
Chris Lawson in Scotland