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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Scottish Ecumenical Gathering?

The main question we would have to ask here is... "Which Gospel does the Evangalical Alliance adhere to? The Gospel of Rome or the Gospel of Scripture?"

Who are the people attending supposed to believe, the Roman Catholic Church or the Evangelical Church? There is an uncertain sound here in the Ecumenical Jihad!


Scottish Ecumenical Gathering - 17 June 2006

Source: Scottish Catholic Media Office
The Scottish Ecumenical Gathering is a grass roots church celebration for people from within the Action of Churches Together in Scotland family and beyond. It will be an open access event which will provide opportunities for young and old alike to celebrate the ‘Seeds of Hope’ visible in our communities and the world today as Christian people worship, work and witness to God’s Kingdom.

The day will comprise three main elements: a speaker programme, workshop programme and marketstall area.

The planning group is delighted that they have been able to attract a wide variety of speakers who include: Joel Edwards, general director of the Evangelical Alliance (‘Seeds of Hope’), Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien (‘Ecumenical Futures’), Kathleen Marshall, Scotland’s Children’s Commissioner (Hope in the Future: Church, Children and Society), John Drane (God, hope and the future of the church) and a conversation panel on the subject of ‘Living in Hope’ which will involve Richard Holloway (Scottish Arts Council), Kathy Galloway (Iona Community) and Andrew McLellan (Inspector of Prisons).

Thirty two workshops, run by ecumenical bodies and groups from across Scotland will further explore the theme of hope in the church and the world and the event will also incorporate the annual meeting of the Scottish Churches Community Trust and the Scottish Churches Racial Justice Conference. Over 80 marketstalls will enable participants to discover more about the work of national agencies and local projects as they discern ‘seeds of hope’ in their communities. There will also be a crèche for pre-school children and activity sessions for 5-12 year olds.