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What does ISKCON teach about Jesus Christ ?
Jesus Christ: ISKCON teaches that Jesus, rather than being the eternal God, is instead one of the demi-god manifestations of Krishna (Ibid., p. 261). In fact, "Jesus is the son, and Krishna the Father, and Jesus is Krishna's son" (Jesus Loves Krsna, p. 26). Contrary to Christian doctrine, ISKCON teaches that Jesus only intended to serve as a guide to 1st-century Palestine: God sent Jesus to be the spiritual master of particular people in a particular time and place…he did not claim (as others claim today) that He was the only Representative Agent of the Supreme Person ever to walk the earth in the past or future (Ibid., p. 44). Instead, because Jesus is merely the manifestation (son) of Krishna (the father), Jesus worshipped Krishna (The Deceivers, p. 195-96. The mediator between God (Krishna) and humanity is Prabhupada. Only Prabhupada is referred to as "His Divine Grace" (The Strange World of the Hare Krishnas, p. 45), and it is even said of him that "Prabhupada was a world-genius, greater than Jesus" (Ibid., p. 69). He "is the ultimate standard of Krishna consciousness…[people] must give him the honor due to God, because the guru is the transparent via media or representative of God and is distributing unalloyed love of God" ("The Hare Krishna Movement." Religious Movements in Contemporary America, p. 469). Prabhupada is thus worshipped by devotees; guru paja involves offering flower petals to a wax likeness of the master (new members offer petals to a picture of Prabhupada) (Hare Krishna in America, pp. 17–8)."
Sadly, there are multitudes of leaders who mislead people to the point of everlasting ruin. These type of people will not listen to the truth even when they know the truth. Jesus called the Pharisees 'children of the Devil'(John 8:44). Jesus, who is God manifest in human flesh, confronted these people...and they still would not turn from their false religion. These types of leaders delude people through a false profession of 'Christianity'. Even the eastern cults use Jesus' words and pervert the Bible, saying tyhey are 'Divine' or 'God', or that they are another 'Christ' for this age. They foist upon the people false teaching and the end result is that their victims (who may be sincere seekers but are horribly misled) are destoyed. Their conscience is corrupted in this life, and then they are assigned to hell after death. All because the 'religious leader' fed them lies that they believed.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ said,
"See to it that no one misleads you . For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many"..."Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ', or 'There He is, 'do not believe him". "For false Christ's and false prophets will aise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance. If therefore they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go forth, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms, ' do not believe them" (Matthew 24:4-5,24-26).
For a Profile on ISKCON
International Society for Krishna Consciousness / Hare Krishnas
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