Dear friends,
India has come to the U.K. The following news item below this commentary note is from the BBC News on Wednesday 23, August 2006. If you have ever been to India you will know that the temples there can be very large; very, very large. But this new temple, here in the United Kingdom, is the biggest one in Europe.
Britain has become so open to religious diversity that its own post-Christian population has accepted everything from multi-million dollar Hindu temples to U.K. borm and bred Islamic jihadists to hundreds of cultic and abusive religious groups. Freedom of religion mixed with foreign belief systems transforming society have transformed Britain into a melting pot of religious diversity. Even "Christin-Yoga", the ultimate oxymoron, has become a bright new ornament on the face of a compromised Christianity. Christian-Yoga is just the fruit of Hindu evangelism into Western churches. Hinduism in Britain is here to stay.
Read what one of the founders of this new temple in the West Midlands has to say:
"One of the founders, Dr K Somasundara Rajah, said he remembered the idea from the mid-1970s...He said: "We used to have the use of another temple but then the congregation got bigger and in 1974 some of our group thought we should get our own temple. We said we should build a replica of the Tarupati Temple in South India."
This "temple is one of the most sacred sites in the Hindu world and has a distinctive architecture that has been followed in the West Midlands."
"The group spent more than two decades trying to get funding and finding a suitable site for the replica."
Stating these things is not a matter of trying to belittle people and take away a persons individual right to worship as their conscience dictates, but it is a sober reminder that the British culture is being converted and quickly transformed into all manner of spirituality. The Biblical gospel of Jesus Christ is no longer a desire for most British folks and as a result, the multi-faithism of Britain is changing the nation itself.
Many liberal preachers and teachers, as well as the general population, have neglected and outright reject the Biblical gospel and Biblical truth. The inter-faith acceptance and worship of anything and everything has become the norm. Now...chaos is following. This, is exactly what is happening in the U.K. This is the fruit of national apostasy as the once Bible preaching Britain has now become an Inter-faith melting pot of liberal ecumenism and the worship of everything.
The following article is illustrative of the changing of the gaurd. That is, casting off the Biblical injuntion to guard "the faith which was once for all entrusted to the saints" (Jude 3-4) and embracing Eastern mystical religions that are changing our times and cultural and erasing once and for all a nations Biblical worldview.
Opening For Biggest Hindu Temple
Wednesday, 23 August 2006, 00:13 GMT 01:13 UK
In pictures: Tividale temple
The largest Hindu temple in Europe is opening in the West Midlands with a five-day religious festival.
From Wednesday priests are to perform a number of rituals to sanctify the £6.5m Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple of the UK in Tividale.
During five days more than 10,000 devotees are expected to visit the site, with most due at the weekend.
The temple's design is based on one of the holiest sites in the Hindu world, the Tirupati-Tirumala Temple in India.
Scores of sculptors and artisans from India have worked on the intricate carvings that cover the walls, ceilings, pillars and roof of the temple.
This is the fulfilment of a long cherished dream,
Dr VP Narayan Rao, Trustees chairman
Temple rose from small idea
Bimal Kishna Das, the secretary of the National Council of Hindu Temples (UK), said: "This is great news for the Hindu British community.
"The opening of this great temple will be a wonderful addition to the multi-religious society of Britain, especially in the West Midlands."
Read Entire Article...
Related Articles:
Opening for biggest Hindu temple
The largest Hindu temple in Europe is opening in the West Midlands with a five-day religious festival.
Temple rose from small beginnings
More than 30 years ago a group of Hindu worshippers had an ambitious plan to build a giant temple in their part of the West Midlands.
In pictures: Tividale's temple
English tests 'threaten worship'
For the team behind what will be one of Europe's largest Hindu temples there is a new addition to the long list of daily tasks - fighting government immigration policy.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
In the Name Of Purpose - Sacrificing Truth On The Altar Of Unity" - NEW Book by Tamara Hartzell
News Source:
The following excerpt is a book recommendation from the Deception in the Church e-Newsletter - Vol.16, Issue 6
The feature in this newsletter is actually an online book. It is called "In the Name Of Purpose - Sacrificing Truth On The Altar Of Unity" by Tamara Hartzell, 8/06. This excellent book is about Rick Warren and his message of purpose which is "neutralizing Christinity". You can also download the entire book in PDF format here.
"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein." ~ Jeremiah 6:16 ~
"Today's Christianity may be having a lot of fun in its new way of thinking and behaving, but this isn't a game. Eternal souls are at stake, and the departure from the faith is real. Jesus Christ is being presented as a way of relativism rather than as the way and the truth, and the faith is being presented as an ever-changing method or experience that can be inserted into any faith." (In the Name of Purpose, p. 385)
Simply being a Christian does not automatically immunize us from deception. Scripture's numerous warnings are meant to be heeded. If Christians couldn't be deceived, then the Holy Spirit would be wrong about those who will "depart from the faith" (see 1 Timothy 4:1). Sadly, this departure from the faith will be so great that the Lord Jesus Christ asks us to consider whether He will actually find faith on the earth when He returns (see Luke 18:8). Since Christians today are trading in th truth of the faith for interfaith unity and are falling for the false gospel of the (New Age) New Spirituality that says all religions are equally valid paths to God, it's no wonder the Lord Jesus Christ asked this. The universal religion with its spiritual transformation is not coming; it is here. The Angel of light's kingdom is gathering together "all men of peace" from "every world religion" "as the embodiment of the emerging Kingdom of God on earth."
* In this emerging interfaith kingdom there is: "One Truth," yet many theologies; "One God," yet many paths; "One Church," yet many expressions; and "One Divine Life," yet many 'little Christs.' Despite its deceived claims that its message hasn't changed, today's Christianity is embracing the teachings of the counterfeit kingdom. As a result, it is being steadily transitioned away from Jesus Christ, the Rock of Offence, to the universal "Christ" who broadly accepts people within all religions/faiths. Its purposeful pursuit of unity with the world truly is uniting today's Christianity with the world. "The religion of the future will be a general converging of religions in a universal Christ that will satisfy all ... In the end, it is hoped that the Christian will become a better Christian and each Hindu a better Hindu." —Jesuit theologian Father Jacques Dupuis, at the 2003 interfaith congress "The Future of God"*
"The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself." —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul* "I happen to know people who are followers of Christ in other religions." —Rick Warren*
"He ['the Christ'] inaugurated the new era and ... the new world religion began to take form. The word 'religion' concerns relationship ..." —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul*
"I have known many people who believe in the Messiah of Jesus, regardless of what religion they are, because they believe in him. It's about a relationship, not a religion." —Rick Warren*
"The day is dawning when all religions win [sic] be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source; all will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of which the universal world religion will inevitably emerge. Then there will be neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great body of believers, gathered out of all the current religions." —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul*
"I thought, you know where people are moving in they probably need new houses of worships, temples, and synagogues, and churches, and stuff like that." —Rick Warren*
"The church is bigger than any organization in the world. Then you add in Muslims, you add in Hindus, you add in all the different religions, and you use those houses of worship as distribution centers, not just for spiritual care but health care." —Rick Warren*
"I could take you today to a million villages ... they got a church. Or they got a synagogue. They got something. They got a house of worship. The church is the biggest organization in the world.... And I came up with a thing called the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. When Jesus sent the disciples out, he said, 'When you go into a village, you find the man of peace.' Now this person doesn't have to be a Christian.... You find the person of peace, and then you begin to do the P.E.A.C.E. Plan ... Now why am I telling this to you? Because we're going public with it this next year in 2006.... And I believe it will change the world." —Rick Warren*
Yes, change is the order of the day.
Truth becomes the sacrifice:
when absolutism is out, and relativism is in;
when obedience is out, and pragmatism is in;
when teaching is out, and dialogue is in;
when thus saith the Lord is out, and consensus of opinion is in;
when using Scripture to judge right and wrong is out, and unity with tolerance at all costs is in;
when the narrow way is out, and the broad way is in.
While Christians have slumbered, the new way of thinking and acting has been built up underneath the old, leaving the old to crumble virtually without notice. It used to be that faithfulness to God turned the world upside down. Now faithfulness to the world is turning Christianity upside down.
For more information, In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity is presented on this site as a free e-book. Presenting numerous quotes, this book documents the unscriptural path of the Purpose-Driven Paradigm, which is culminating in Rick Warren's interfaith P.E.A.C.E. Plan (set to publicly launch this Fall 2006). Among others, the book includes quotes from Rick Warren, Ken Blanchard, William Easum and Thomas Bandy, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Neale Donald Walsch, Alice Bailey and her spirit guide Djwhal Khul, as well as quotes from Scripture, A.W. Tozer, Charles Spurgeon, Warren Smith, Ray Yungen, Chuck Baldwin, Paul Proctor, etc. If you are led to help pass on the information contained, this e-book may be linked to as well as freely distributed (without alteration). Click here to open the e-book in a PDF file. (The file is 2.19 MB and can take from one to several minutes or more to open depending on your connection speed. Also, if you happen to get "page not found," click on your browser's "refresh" button. This seems to take care of it.)
The following excerpt is a book recommendation from the Deception in the Church e-Newsletter - Vol.16, Issue 6
The feature in this newsletter is actually an online book. It is called "In the Name Of Purpose - Sacrificing Truth On The Altar Of Unity" by Tamara Hartzell, 8/06. This excellent book is about Rick Warren and his message of purpose which is "neutralizing Christinity". You can also download the entire book in PDF format here.
"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein." ~ Jeremiah 6:16 ~
"Today's Christianity may be having a lot of fun in its new way of thinking and behaving, but this isn't a game. Eternal souls are at stake, and the departure from the faith is real. Jesus Christ is being presented as a way of relativism rather than as the way and the truth, and the faith is being presented as an ever-changing method or experience that can be inserted into any faith." (In the Name of Purpose, p. 385)
Simply being a Christian does not automatically immunize us from deception. Scripture's numerous warnings are meant to be heeded. If Christians couldn't be deceived, then the Holy Spirit would be wrong about those who will "depart from the faith" (see 1 Timothy 4:1). Sadly, this departure from the faith will be so great that the Lord Jesus Christ asks us to consider whether He will actually find faith on the earth when He returns (see Luke 18:8). Since Christians today are trading in th truth of the faith for interfaith unity and are falling for the false gospel of the (New Age) New Spirituality that says all religions are equally valid paths to God, it's no wonder the Lord Jesus Christ asked this. The universal religion with its spiritual transformation is not coming; it is here. The Angel of light's kingdom is gathering together "all men of peace" from "every world religion" "as the embodiment of the emerging Kingdom of God on earth."
* In this emerging interfaith kingdom there is: "One Truth," yet many theologies; "One God," yet many paths; "One Church," yet many expressions; and "One Divine Life," yet many 'little Christs.' Despite its deceived claims that its message hasn't changed, today's Christianity is embracing the teachings of the counterfeit kingdom. As a result, it is being steadily transitioned away from Jesus Christ, the Rock of Offence, to the universal "Christ" who broadly accepts people within all religions/faiths. Its purposeful pursuit of unity with the world truly is uniting today's Christianity with the world. "The religion of the future will be a general converging of religions in a universal Christ that will satisfy all ... In the end, it is hoped that the Christian will become a better Christian and each Hindu a better Hindu." —Jesuit theologian Father Jacques Dupuis, at the 2003 interfaith congress "The Future of God"*
"The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself." —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul* "I happen to know people who are followers of Christ in other religions." —Rick Warren*
"He ['the Christ'] inaugurated the new era and ... the new world religion began to take form. The word 'religion' concerns relationship ..." —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul*
"I have known many people who believe in the Messiah of Jesus, regardless of what religion they are, because they believe in him. It's about a relationship, not a religion." —Rick Warren*
"The day is dawning when all religions win [sic] be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source; all will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of which the universal world religion will inevitably emerge. Then there will be neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great body of believers, gathered out of all the current religions." —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul*
"I thought, you know where people are moving in they probably need new houses of worships, temples, and synagogues, and churches, and stuff like that." —Rick Warren*
"The church is bigger than any organization in the world. Then you add in Muslims, you add in Hindus, you add in all the different religions, and you use those houses of worship as distribution centers, not just for spiritual care but health care." —Rick Warren*
"I could take you today to a million villages ... they got a church. Or they got a synagogue. They got something. They got a house of worship. The church is the biggest organization in the world.... And I came up with a thing called the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. When Jesus sent the disciples out, he said, 'When you go into a village, you find the man of peace.' Now this person doesn't have to be a Christian.... You find the person of peace, and then you begin to do the P.E.A.C.E. Plan ... Now why am I telling this to you? Because we're going public with it this next year in 2006.... And I believe it will change the world." —Rick Warren*
Yes, change is the order of the day.
Truth becomes the sacrifice:
when absolutism is out, and relativism is in;
when obedience is out, and pragmatism is in;
when teaching is out, and dialogue is in;
when thus saith the Lord is out, and consensus of opinion is in;
when using Scripture to judge right and wrong is out, and unity with tolerance at all costs is in;
when the narrow way is out, and the broad way is in.
While Christians have slumbered, the new way of thinking and acting has been built up underneath the old, leaving the old to crumble virtually without notice. It used to be that faithfulness to God turned the world upside down. Now faithfulness to the world is turning Christianity upside down.
For more information, In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity is presented on this site as a free e-book. Presenting numerous quotes, this book documents the unscriptural path of the Purpose-Driven Paradigm, which is culminating in Rick Warren's interfaith P.E.A.C.E. Plan (set to publicly launch this Fall 2006). Among others, the book includes quotes from Rick Warren, Ken Blanchard, William Easum and Thomas Bandy, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Neale Donald Walsch, Alice Bailey and her spirit guide Djwhal Khul, as well as quotes from Scripture, A.W. Tozer, Charles Spurgeon, Warren Smith, Ray Yungen, Chuck Baldwin, Paul Proctor, etc. If you are led to help pass on the information contained, this e-book may be linked to as well as freely distributed (without alteration). Click here to open the e-book in a PDF file. (The file is 2.19 MB and can take from one to several minutes or more to open depending on your connection speed. Also, if you happen to get "page not found," click on your browser's "refresh" button. This seems to take care of it.)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Zondervan and the 2007 National Pastor's Convention - Pulling Out All the Stops
Dear friends,
We continue to post various discernment articles on the Emergent Issue because so many ministries think it is a good thing.
For more information about the dangers of Contemplative Spirituality see our Contemplative Emerging Church Deception Blog
Anyone Christian [or non-Christian] who has done research in the fields of the cults and the occult, especially Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, will see the connection of how Emergent Leaders are bringing Eastern mysticism [called Contemplative Spirituality] into the church. Many undiscerning leaders do not even have a clue they are doing it. They do not know their Bibles well enough to recognize the error in contemplative spirituality.
It is sad but true - the undiscerning, ignorant, and those who are perhaps willfully deceiving are taking many undiscerning Christians for a big ride. If the next generation of church-goers is apostate and inducing mystical states of consciousness, no one is to blame but the "Leaders" of today who have deceived the youth into thinking they have a "deeper form of Christian spirituality". It is being purposefully driven into the hearts and mind of youth in many countries.
U.K. history is now repeting itself in the U.S.A. Look at the fruit of liberalism in the U.K. and you will have a glimpse of what churches in the U.S.A., very soon, will be experiencing... a whole smorgasboard of deception, division, and underdeveloped undiscerning Christians who are meeting in homes because churches have betrayed their confidence. This is how iot is in the U.K. and it is worse than mosty folks in the U.S.A. can even imagine - even Pastors.
Read on folks and see what the 2007 National Pastor's Convention is going to be like. It now seems that anything goes except sound Biblical teaching for Christian Leaders. What ever happened to teaching through 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus and declaring the whole counsel of God to the flock of God. When Pastors lie down and get eaten by wolves, the sheep become food for every wild beast!
We think it is a worthwhile task to investigate what is really going on in some of these large leadership conferences and who is speaking at them. The following article below reveals how undiscerning the 2007 National Pastor's Convention leadership team has been in choosing its speakers.
~ Chris Lawson at SRN
(Jude 3 still applies today)
Following News Source:
Coming From the Lighthouse Newsletter - August 25, 2006
Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Zondervan and the 2007 National Pastor's Convention - Pulling Out All the Stops
The 2007 National Pastors Convention (presented by Zondervan publishers) carries a heavy-weight line up of speakers. From Ruth Haley Barton to Brian McLaren, next year's convention will not be lacking in New Age sympathizing, meditation promoting speakers. John Burke, president of Emerging Leadership Initiative, was recently a speaker at the Ancient-Wisdom Conference, and says this of the church of the future:
What do a Buddhist, a biker couple, a gay-rights activist, a transient, a high-tech engineer, a Muslim, a twenty-something single mom, a Jew, a couple living together, and an atheist all have in common? They are the future church in America! Most of them are in their twenties or thirties and became followers of Christ in the past five years. Many are now leading others in our church.
Emergent leaders Dan Kimball, Mark Driscoll, and Doug Paggit are on the speakers list as are other emerging/contemplative promoting authors such as Robert Webber (Ancient-Future Worship), Lauren Winner (Girl Meets God), and Gary Thomas (Sacred Pathways). Of Eugene Peterson, Stuart Briscoe and Phyllis Tickle, Zondervan says:
Meet this year's sages! These wise, experienced ministry leaders will be onsite and readily available to meet with you and your team by appointment. They're coming to answer your hard questions regarding real-life ministry issues and in turn give insight into what has helped them run the race well for so many years.
Unfortunately, the answers that this long line of speakers at the 2007 convention will be offering, will point participants to a spirituality that shuffles off the gospel message of Jesus Christ and introduces a sensual, demonic belief system that will bring much harm and damage. We hope you will be able to convince your pastor and other church leaders that this is not an event they should attend.
For more information see Lighthouse Trails Research Project:
Research on the National Pastors Convention
We continue to post various discernment articles on the Emergent Issue because so many ministries think it is a good thing.
For more information about the dangers of Contemplative Spirituality see our Contemplative Emerging Church Deception Blog
Anyone Christian [or non-Christian] who has done research in the fields of the cults and the occult, especially Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, will see the connection of how Emergent Leaders are bringing Eastern mysticism [called Contemplative Spirituality] into the church. Many undiscerning leaders do not even have a clue they are doing it. They do not know their Bibles well enough to recognize the error in contemplative spirituality.
It is sad but true - the undiscerning, ignorant, and those who are perhaps willfully deceiving are taking many undiscerning Christians for a big ride. If the next generation of church-goers is apostate and inducing mystical states of consciousness, no one is to blame but the "Leaders" of today who have deceived the youth into thinking they have a "deeper form of Christian spirituality". It is being purposefully driven into the hearts and mind of youth in many countries.
U.K. history is now repeting itself in the U.S.A. Look at the fruit of liberalism in the U.K. and you will have a glimpse of what churches in the U.S.A., very soon, will be experiencing... a whole smorgasboard of deception, division, and underdeveloped undiscerning Christians who are meeting in homes because churches have betrayed their confidence. This is how iot is in the U.K. and it is worse than mosty folks in the U.S.A. can even imagine - even Pastors.
Read on folks and see what the 2007 National Pastor's Convention is going to be like. It now seems that anything goes except sound Biblical teaching for Christian Leaders. What ever happened to teaching through 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus and declaring the whole counsel of God to the flock of God. When Pastors lie down and get eaten by wolves, the sheep become food for every wild beast!
We think it is a worthwhile task to investigate what is really going on in some of these large leadership conferences and who is speaking at them. The following article below reveals how undiscerning the 2007 National Pastor's Convention leadership team has been in choosing its speakers.
~ Chris Lawson at SRN
(Jude 3 still applies today)
Following News Source:
Coming From the Lighthouse Newsletter - August 25, 2006
Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Zondervan and the 2007 National Pastor's Convention - Pulling Out All the Stops
The 2007 National Pastors Convention (presented by Zondervan publishers) carries a heavy-weight line up of speakers. From Ruth Haley Barton to Brian McLaren, next year's convention will not be lacking in New Age sympathizing, meditation promoting speakers. John Burke, president of Emerging Leadership Initiative, was recently a speaker at the Ancient-Wisdom Conference, and says this of the church of the future:
What do a Buddhist, a biker couple, a gay-rights activist, a transient, a high-tech engineer, a Muslim, a twenty-something single mom, a Jew, a couple living together, and an atheist all have in common? They are the future church in America! Most of them are in their twenties or thirties and became followers of Christ in the past five years. Many are now leading others in our church.
Emergent leaders Dan Kimball, Mark Driscoll, and Doug Paggit are on the speakers list as are other emerging/contemplative promoting authors such as Robert Webber (Ancient-Future Worship), Lauren Winner (Girl Meets God), and Gary Thomas (Sacred Pathways). Of Eugene Peterson, Stuart Briscoe and Phyllis Tickle, Zondervan says:
Meet this year's sages! These wise, experienced ministry leaders will be onsite and readily available to meet with you and your team by appointment. They're coming to answer your hard questions regarding real-life ministry issues and in turn give insight into what has helped them run the race well for so many years.
Unfortunately, the answers that this long line of speakers at the 2007 convention will be offering, will point participants to a spirituality that shuffles off the gospel message of Jesus Christ and introduces a sensual, demonic belief system that will bring much harm and damage. We hope you will be able to convince your pastor and other church leaders that this is not an event they should attend.
For more information see Lighthouse Trails Research Project:
Research on the National Pastors Convention
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Islam: The Challenge to the Church - Seminar at Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh
Hi Everyone,
I just received this info from a friend and thought it might be a good seminar to attend. Just the topic alone is something that many Christians need to be aware of.
~ Chris Lawson
Just to let you know that Charlotte Chapel, 204 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AZ is hosting Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabas Fund on Saturday 9th September 2006 from 10.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
TOPIC: Islam - The Challenge to the Church
The notice in the newsletter says:
Patrick Sookhdeo is an expert in the subject, and will lead a seminar in the Chapel Lounge.
All are invited to attend.
Admission is free but an offering will be taken for the work of the Barnabas Fund.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Barnabas fund - their focus is the persecuted Christian Believers.
More info from their web site:
Please could you help us in making this event known as widely as possible even if you are not able to attend yourself.
I just received this info from a friend and thought it might be a good seminar to attend. Just the topic alone is something that many Christians need to be aware of.
~ Chris Lawson
Just to let you know that Charlotte Chapel, 204 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AZ is hosting Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabas Fund on Saturday 9th September 2006 from 10.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
TOPIC: Islam - The Challenge to the Church
The notice in the newsletter says:
Patrick Sookhdeo is an expert in the subject, and will lead a seminar in the Chapel Lounge.
All are invited to attend.
Admission is free but an offering will be taken for the work of the Barnabas Fund.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Barnabas fund - their focus is the persecuted Christian Believers.
More info from their web site:
Please could you help us in making this event known as widely as possible even if you are not able to attend yourself.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Bible Is Out, Homosexuality Is In
Source: K-House eNews For The Week Of August 22, 2006
Hard working, decent teachers and administrators across America do exist, and do a superb job educating our children. Many are Christians, who care both about scholastics as well as the moral education of their students. Some do wonders. On the other hand, liberal politics and the goals of "secular" humanism have been steadily forced on multitudes of American school children. It is a culture war tied to a spiritual war, and the liberal side rejects America's Judeo-Christian heritage while embracing politically-accepted immorality. Consider some recent stories from around the country:
The California Assembly is to vote on Thursday on the "Bias Free Curriculum Act", which would make it illegal for public school teachers to say anything negative (or perceived as negative) against homosexuality and its variants. Public schools would not be allowed to portray gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) people in anything but a positive way. Governor Schwarzenegger would have definitely vetoed the bill if it contained language requiring public school textbooks to promote the "role and contributions" of GLBT in contemporary society, so that provision was removed from the bill. But, if it passes, the "Bias Free" act will deny public school teachers the freedom to deal honestly with GLBT issues. They will instead be forced to feed children the politically correct but medically and morally incorrect message that homosexuality is healthy, normal, and inborn.
South Carolina
For several years, students in Hanover County, South Carolina have learned about the Bible in school, in classes paid for by local churches. The classes were not required, but had become quite popular, with hundreds of students attending. The ACLU, however, began to complain that the classes were too religious - teaching the Bible as literal history, rather than teaching it as literature. In response, the classes were tailored to avoid "separation of church and state" problems. Then, though, critics found the program's Achilles' heel; too many of those teaching the Bible classes were not state certified. The school had to end its relationship with the Executive Committee of the Bible, the church-supported group that provided the classes. Students may take religion classes from the local community college instead.
Montgomery County, Maryland will add a few subjects to its sex education curriculum. Proper condom use and "gay topics" will be added to the material offered to 8th and 10th grade students. The new material was approved in November 2004, but was challenged by conservative groups. To settle the lawsuit, school officials agreed to rewrite the new changes with two conservatives on the 15-member committee, but the revamped changes will most likely be passed. The principle behind the new material is that people "have the right to accept, acknowledge, and live in accordance with their sexual orientation, be they heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian."It would appear that the Bible is out and homosexuality is in. Thus the worldview war continues.
Related Links:
• Conservatives Launch Final Assault on 'Gay Education' Bill - CNS News
• Schools Shifting Bible Classes - Wilmington Star
• Revised Sex-Ed Curriculum to be Unveiled - Washington Blade (Gay-Activist Publication)
• Pre-Schoolers in UK Must be Taught About Gay Lifestyle - LifeSite
Source: K-House eNews For The Week Of August 22, 2006
Hard working, decent teachers and administrators across America do exist, and do a superb job educating our children. Many are Christians, who care both about scholastics as well as the moral education of their students. Some do wonders. On the other hand, liberal politics and the goals of "secular" humanism have been steadily forced on multitudes of American school children. It is a culture war tied to a spiritual war, and the liberal side rejects America's Judeo-Christian heritage while embracing politically-accepted immorality. Consider some recent stories from around the country:
The California Assembly is to vote on Thursday on the "Bias Free Curriculum Act", which would make it illegal for public school teachers to say anything negative (or perceived as negative) against homosexuality and its variants. Public schools would not be allowed to portray gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) people in anything but a positive way. Governor Schwarzenegger would have definitely vetoed the bill if it contained language requiring public school textbooks to promote the "role and contributions" of GLBT in contemporary society, so that provision was removed from the bill. But, if it passes, the "Bias Free" act will deny public school teachers the freedom to deal honestly with GLBT issues. They will instead be forced to feed children the politically correct but medically and morally incorrect message that homosexuality is healthy, normal, and inborn.
South Carolina
For several years, students in Hanover County, South Carolina have learned about the Bible in school, in classes paid for by local churches. The classes were not required, but had become quite popular, with hundreds of students attending. The ACLU, however, began to complain that the classes were too religious - teaching the Bible as literal history, rather than teaching it as literature. In response, the classes were tailored to avoid "separation of church and state" problems. Then, though, critics found the program's Achilles' heel; too many of those teaching the Bible classes were not state certified. The school had to end its relationship with the Executive Committee of the Bible, the church-supported group that provided the classes. Students may take religion classes from the local community college instead.
Montgomery County, Maryland will add a few subjects to its sex education curriculum. Proper condom use and "gay topics" will be added to the material offered to 8th and 10th grade students. The new material was approved in November 2004, but was challenged by conservative groups. To settle the lawsuit, school officials agreed to rewrite the new changes with two conservatives on the 15-member committee, but the revamped changes will most likely be passed. The principle behind the new material is that people "have the right to accept, acknowledge, and live in accordance with their sexual orientation, be they heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian."It would appear that the Bible is out and homosexuality is in. Thus the worldview war continues.
Related Links:
• Conservatives Launch Final Assault on 'Gay Education' Bill - CNS News
• Schools Shifting Bible Classes - Wilmington Star
• Revised Sex-Ed Curriculum to be Unveiled - Washington Blade (Gay-Activist Publication)
• Pre-Schoolers in UK Must be Taught About Gay Lifestyle - LifeSite
Ambiguous NEW AGE Terms Used by Church Growth Leaders
The following is a very interesting document and something very important to recognize.
~Chris at SRN
- - - - -
Ambiguous NEW AGE Terms Used by Church Growth Leaders
What do these terms really mean?
You decide!
at Discernment-Ministries Inc.
~Chris at SRN
- - - - -
Ambiguous NEW AGE Terms Used by Church Growth Leaders
What do these terms really mean?
You decide!
at Discernment-Ministries Inc.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Press Release: "Maitreya Has Come and Will Save the World"
News Source:
Press Release: "Maitreya Has Come and Will Save the World"
- I received a press release this morning from an occult organization called Share International. I interviewed its founder, Benjamin Creme several years ago. (Something I would never do again.) This group has been promising the return of the world teacher, Maitreya, for many years. I hadn't received anything from this group for some time so the press release surprised me. I want to quote it verbatim. As apostate evangelical leaders are now linking hands with men like Bill Gates and Bono to save the world from AIDS, poverty and illiteracy, we need to be aware that this is exactly what the promised Maitreya and his masters of wisdom are said to be doing, by the occultists themselves. Please read this carefully. Here is the last paragraph of the press release, after the opening paragraphs that describe the signs and wonders now happening, including the tree gushing water from a tree in San Antonio that has been reported around the world this week.
August 15, 2006
"...All major religions are expecting a divine messenger, albeit under different names, says Creme, and Maitreya has come in fulfillment of the prophecies of each. He has come earlier than anticipated by many religious groups because of the urgency of the times, in order to offer his counsel to a world in crisis. His priorities are simple: food, shelter, health care and education for everyone as guaranteed rights. His advice to humanity is just as simple. "Share and save the world." When the plight of the poor and starving millions is alleviated than the recovery of the environment will become the first priority." (Emphasis added.)The false christ will come promoting practical social welfare. That's it. Help for all who need it. This false christ has many "John the Baptist" style promoters who have come before to soften up the world. All pastors and teachers who deny Christ either openly or by their refusal to preach Him crucified for sinners have a part in preparing the way. The New Agers and occultists believe the "christ", the Maitreya is already here. And he comes with great concern for the poor and the suffering. My message to you today is, don't believe it. Stand fast in the faith and pray for discernment because the hour is late. The Fox news special called "Can Rick Warren Save the World?" will be on Sunday night. He was on the Charlie Rose Show last night and Fox News Daybreak yesterday. I have never seen anything like it.
Press Release: "Maitreya Has Come and Will Save the World"
- I received a press release this morning from an occult organization called Share International. I interviewed its founder, Benjamin Creme several years ago. (Something I would never do again.) This group has been promising the return of the world teacher, Maitreya, for many years. I hadn't received anything from this group for some time so the press release surprised me. I want to quote it verbatim. As apostate evangelical leaders are now linking hands with men like Bill Gates and Bono to save the world from AIDS, poverty and illiteracy, we need to be aware that this is exactly what the promised Maitreya and his masters of wisdom are said to be doing, by the occultists themselves. Please read this carefully. Here is the last paragraph of the press release, after the opening paragraphs that describe the signs and wonders now happening, including the tree gushing water from a tree in San Antonio that has been reported around the world this week.
August 15, 2006
"...All major religions are expecting a divine messenger, albeit under different names, says Creme, and Maitreya has come in fulfillment of the prophecies of each. He has come earlier than anticipated by many religious groups because of the urgency of the times, in order to offer his counsel to a world in crisis. His priorities are simple: food, shelter, health care and education for everyone as guaranteed rights. His advice to humanity is just as simple. "Share and save the world." When the plight of the poor and starving millions is alleviated than the recovery of the environment will become the first priority." (Emphasis added.)The false christ will come promoting practical social welfare. That's it. Help for all who need it. This false christ has many "John the Baptist" style promoters who have come before to soften up the world. All pastors and teachers who deny Christ either openly or by their refusal to preach Him crucified for sinners have a part in preparing the way. The New Agers and occultists believe the "christ", the Maitreya is already here. And he comes with great concern for the poor and the suffering. My message to you today is, don't believe it. Stand fast in the faith and pray for discernment because the hour is late. The Fox news special called "Can Rick Warren Save the World?" will be on Sunday night. He was on the Charlie Rose Show last night and Fox News Daybreak yesterday. I have never seen anything like it.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
40 Percent of World of Warcraft Players Addicted
Dear friends, if you do not yet know about WORLD OF WARCRAFT, it is an occult fantasy game.
"World of Warcraft is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. World of Warcraft is a "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" which allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory" [ ].
Also on the official WORLD OF WARCRAFT website, one can find these words...
"What is an MMORPG?
MMORPG is an acronym for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game". In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. Visit the "General F.A.Q." section of the site to find out more
What is World of Warcraft?
As a massively multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft enables thousands of players to come together online and battle against the world and each other. Players from across the globe can leave the real world behind and undertake grand quests and heroic exploits in a land of fantastic adventure."
The WORLD OF WARCRAFT is an occult role playing game. As such, WORLD OF WARCRAFT teaches people all about the world of the occult and how to utilize the tools of the occult. This game has the potential to influence people to partake in the real world of the occult.
All who are interested in and partaking in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT would do well to heed the WARNINGS FROM SCRIPTURE against all forms of occultism. Why? Because God knows that when people open the door to the world of the occult, all manner of demonic influence will come through!!!
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 (Detestable Practices )
"9 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God."
We have also found the following article very interesting as far as ADDICTION TO WORLD OF WARCRAFT !
Let the Player Beware!!!
~ Chris Lawson
Spiritual Research Network
Expert: 40 Percent of World of Warcraft Players Addicted
- Rob Wright - August 8, 2006
- mmORPGs And Game Addiction
If you're suffering from dry eyes, headaches, back aches, erratic sleep patterns, it may be more than just your average hangover: according to Dr. Maressa Orzack, you could be suffering from video and computer game addiction. A clinical psychologist, Orzack is founder and coordinator of Computer Addiction Services at McLean Hospital in Newton, Mass., and is also an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. Computer Addiction Services is one of the few outpatient clinics in the U.S. that provides specific treatment for game addiction.
While many people dispute the notion, Orzack believes that game addiction is a true mental disorder. As a result, she has worked with numerous gamers over the years to help them break the hold that games have on them.
Having treated all types of addictions for more than 15 years, Orzack says there's little difference between drug use, excessive gambling and heavy game playing. And with millions of gamers hooked on mega-popular massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs), she believes the problem is growing rapidly. In fact, Orzack says as much as 40 percent of World of Warcraft players are addicted to the game. TwitchGuru talks with Orzack to find out more about the issue of game addiction, and the effects of games like World of Warcraft.
RW: When did you first begin to feel that video game addiction was a real problem?
Dr. Orzack: Well, 11 years ago, when I first started looking into this issue, ...
Read Entire Article...
"World of Warcraft is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. World of Warcraft is a "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" which allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory" [ ].
Also on the official WORLD OF WARCRAFT website, one can find these words...
"What is an MMORPG?
MMORPG is an acronym for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game". In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. Visit the "General F.A.Q." section of the site to find out more
What is World of Warcraft?
As a massively multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft enables thousands of players to come together online and battle against the world and each other. Players from across the globe can leave the real world behind and undertake grand quests and heroic exploits in a land of fantastic adventure."
The WORLD OF WARCRAFT is an occult role playing game. As such, WORLD OF WARCRAFT teaches people all about the world of the occult and how to utilize the tools of the occult. This game has the potential to influence people to partake in the real world of the occult.
All who are interested in and partaking in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT would do well to heed the WARNINGS FROM SCRIPTURE against all forms of occultism. Why? Because God knows that when people open the door to the world of the occult, all manner of demonic influence will come through!!!
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 (Detestable Practices )
"9 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God."
We have also found the following article very interesting as far as ADDICTION TO WORLD OF WARCRAFT !
Let the Player Beware!!!
~ Chris Lawson
Spiritual Research Network
Expert: 40 Percent of World of Warcraft Players Addicted
- Rob Wright - August 8, 2006
- mmORPGs And Game Addiction
If you're suffering from dry eyes, headaches, back aches, erratic sleep patterns, it may be more than just your average hangover: according to Dr. Maressa Orzack, you could be suffering from video and computer game addiction. A clinical psychologist, Orzack is founder and coordinator of Computer Addiction Services at McLean Hospital in Newton, Mass., and is also an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. Computer Addiction Services is one of the few outpatient clinics in the U.S. that provides specific treatment for game addiction.
While many people dispute the notion, Orzack believes that game addiction is a true mental disorder. As a result, she has worked with numerous gamers over the years to help them break the hold that games have on them.
Having treated all types of addictions for more than 15 years, Orzack says there's little difference between drug use, excessive gambling and heavy game playing. And with millions of gamers hooked on mega-popular massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs), she believes the problem is growing rapidly. In fact, Orzack says as much as 40 percent of World of Warcraft players are addicted to the game. TwitchGuru talks with Orzack to find out more about the issue of game addiction, and the effects of games like World of Warcraft.
RW: When did you first begin to feel that video game addiction was a real problem?
Dr. Orzack: Well, 11 years ago, when I first started looking into this issue, ...
Read Entire Article...
COMMENTARY Fox News: "Can Rick Warren Save the World?"
The following commentary is from Deborah Dombrowski at Lighthouse Trails Research Project.
For more info on Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven Movement you may use the small E-blogger search engine at the top left page of this Blog, or visit Lighthouse Trails Research Project's Rick Warren pages.
~ Chris Lawson at SRN
COMMENTARY Fox News: "Can Rick Warren Save the World?"
Every week I receive a copy of Rick Warren's e-newsletter that goes out to pastors and other church and ministry leaders around the world. And every week, I watch as this newsletter endorses, promotes, and exalts the names of people, books and organizations whose spirituality opposes biblical Christianity. In essence, this newsletter is like a slap in the face to those who, in years and centuries gone by, have died defending the true faith and the gospel message of Jesus Christ and did not compromise even unto their deaths.
In this week's newsletter, Rick Warren quotes Henri Nouwen, who, at the end of his life, said he was uncomfortable with those who say Jesus is the only way to salvation and that he wanted to help people find their own path to God. Nouwen is mentioned in nearly a dozen other newsletters by Rick Warren, and in one newsletter, Warren says his wife Kay loves the Nouwen book In the Name of Jesus, which has a chapter on contemplative prayer. In one week's newsletter, Warren devoted most of the issue to the emerging church, even posting a response to criticism by Emergent Leaders Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Spencer Burke and Tony Jones. McLaren is favorably quoted or mentioned in about seven other issues. Organizations like The Ooze (promoting the emerging church, contemplative and New Age spirituality) is recommended in three issues. Spencer Burke, director of The Ooze, affirms his contemplative sympathies when he says:
I stopped reading from the approved evangelical reading list and began to distance myself from the evangelical agenda. I discovered new authors and new voices at the bookstore- Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen and St. Teresa of Avila. The more I read, the more intrigued I became. Contemplative spirituality seemed to open up a whole new way for me to understand and experience God. I was deeply moved by works like The Cloud of Unknowing, The Dark Night of the Soul and the Early Writings of the Desert Fathers."
The majority of Rick Warren's newsletters have at least one contemplative or emerging quote, endorsement or recommendation. Some of these weekly promotions include Youth Specialties, Leonard Sweet, Thomas Merton, Ken Blanchard, Laurie Beth Jones, Jim Wallis, and the list goes on and on. Basically, Rick Warren believes that contemplative/emerging spirituality is great and will lead many people closer to God!
This Sunday night, Fox news will be presenting a program called, "Can Rick Warren Change the World?" One Fox headline for this show said, "Can Rick Warren Save the World?" As church leaders and secular leaders alike have found themselves in awe of this man's Purpose Driven paradigm, I, as a believer in Jesus Christ, have been in awe too. But my amazement isn't over Rick Warren's plans to save the world; no, my amazement is over Christian leaders and their blindness to what is really taking place. They have been overtaken and lured by a seductive spirituality that calls itself Purpose Driven, emerging church, seeker-friendly and a number of other names but has its origin in the Garden of Eden when the serpent said, You will be like God.
Alice Bailey, the theosophist who coined the term New Age, said that the age of enlightenment (when everyone realizes they have divinity and are united with each other and creation) will not come to the earth around the Christian church but rather through it. When a New Age sympathizer like Leonard Sweet (author of Quantum Spirituality) can talk about global connectedness and God in all in one book then do an audio series with "America's pastor" just a few years later, and no one blinks an eye, then maybe Alice Bailey (who was instructed by her spirit guide)was right.
The Lord will preserve those who are His, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church, but the Bible also says that a great falling away will take place before the return of Christ, and if possible, even the elect will be deceived. May we, as believers, by the grace and strength of God, cling to that old rugged Cross that is offered so freely to those who call upon the name of the Lord. And may we stand boldly, as our brothers and sisters of past times did, defending the one message that can save.
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:11
Deborah Dombrowski - Lighthouse Trails Publishing
Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Please feel free to distribute this commentary.
For books that expose contemplative spirituality and the emerging church,
see Lighthouse Trails Publishing.
For more info on Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven Movement you may use the small E-blogger search engine at the top left page of this Blog, or visit Lighthouse Trails Research Project's Rick Warren pages.
~ Chris Lawson at SRN
COMMENTARY Fox News: "Can Rick Warren Save the World?"
Every week I receive a copy of Rick Warren's e-newsletter that goes out to pastors and other church and ministry leaders around the world. And every week, I watch as this newsletter endorses, promotes, and exalts the names of people, books and organizations whose spirituality opposes biblical Christianity. In essence, this newsletter is like a slap in the face to those who, in years and centuries gone by, have died defending the true faith and the gospel message of Jesus Christ and did not compromise even unto their deaths.
In this week's newsletter, Rick Warren quotes Henri Nouwen, who, at the end of his life, said he was uncomfortable with those who say Jesus is the only way to salvation and that he wanted to help people find their own path to God. Nouwen is mentioned in nearly a dozen other newsletters by Rick Warren, and in one newsletter, Warren says his wife Kay loves the Nouwen book In the Name of Jesus, which has a chapter on contemplative prayer. In one week's newsletter, Warren devoted most of the issue to the emerging church, even posting a response to criticism by Emergent Leaders Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Spencer Burke and Tony Jones. McLaren is favorably quoted or mentioned in about seven other issues. Organizations like The Ooze (promoting the emerging church, contemplative and New Age spirituality) is recommended in three issues. Spencer Burke, director of The Ooze, affirms his contemplative sympathies when he says:
I stopped reading from the approved evangelical reading list and began to distance myself from the evangelical agenda. I discovered new authors and new voices at the bookstore- Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen and St. Teresa of Avila. The more I read, the more intrigued I became. Contemplative spirituality seemed to open up a whole new way for me to understand and experience God. I was deeply moved by works like The Cloud of Unknowing, The Dark Night of the Soul and the Early Writings of the Desert Fathers."
The majority of Rick Warren's newsletters have at least one contemplative or emerging quote, endorsement or recommendation. Some of these weekly promotions include Youth Specialties, Leonard Sweet, Thomas Merton, Ken Blanchard, Laurie Beth Jones, Jim Wallis, and the list goes on and on. Basically, Rick Warren believes that contemplative/emerging spirituality is great and will lead many people closer to God!
This Sunday night, Fox news will be presenting a program called, "Can Rick Warren Change the World?" One Fox headline for this show said, "Can Rick Warren Save the World?" As church leaders and secular leaders alike have found themselves in awe of this man's Purpose Driven paradigm, I, as a believer in Jesus Christ, have been in awe too. But my amazement isn't over Rick Warren's plans to save the world; no, my amazement is over Christian leaders and their blindness to what is really taking place. They have been overtaken and lured by a seductive spirituality that calls itself Purpose Driven, emerging church, seeker-friendly and a number of other names but has its origin in the Garden of Eden when the serpent said, You will be like God.
Alice Bailey, the theosophist who coined the term New Age, said that the age of enlightenment (when everyone realizes they have divinity and are united with each other and creation) will not come to the earth around the Christian church but rather through it. When a New Age sympathizer like Leonard Sweet (author of Quantum Spirituality) can talk about global connectedness and God in all in one book then do an audio series with "America's pastor" just a few years later, and no one blinks an eye, then maybe Alice Bailey (who was instructed by her spirit guide)was right.
The Lord will preserve those who are His, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church, but the Bible also says that a great falling away will take place before the return of Christ, and if possible, even the elect will be deceived. May we, as believers, by the grace and strength of God, cling to that old rugged Cross that is offered so freely to those who call upon the name of the Lord. And may we stand boldly, as our brothers and sisters of past times did, defending the one message that can save.
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:11
Deborah Dombrowski - Lighthouse Trails Publishing
Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Please feel free to distribute this commentary.
For books that expose contemplative spirituality and the emerging church,
see Lighthouse Trails Publishing.
Monday, August 14, 2006
SpellBound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today's Kids

the following book by Marcia Montenegro is a much needed book in our day and age. Kids everywhere seem to be investigating and getting involved in occult practices. Playing with the paranormal is not a game. Deadly influences can result - on children and adults alike.
~ Chris at SRN
The following is from Marcia Montenegro's Website:
CANA - Christian Answers for the New Age
SpellBound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today's Kids
(Cook, 2006)~ Forward by Norman Geisler
Have you ever wished there was a book on the occult written from a Christian viewpoint, with suggestions on how to talk about this to your kids or teens? Well, such a book now exists, SpellBound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today's Kids.
This book is for:
Sunday School teachers
Youth Pastors
Youth Leaders and workers
Schoolteachers Grandparents
…And anyone who would like to know how to recognize the occult in our culture, as well as a solid biblical view of and response to the occult.
Marcia Montenegro was asked by Cook to write this book as a guide for parents and other interested adults. The book covers what exactly the occult is, how it's being packaged and marketed in our culture, and how to talk to children and teens about the occult. It can now be pre-ordered on some book sites.
The book's information comes from Marcia's many years of participation in New Age, Eastern, and occult beliefs; her practice as a professional astrologer for 8 of those years, including teaching astrology; extensive reading and research of New Age and occult materials; and experiences and contacts she had in the New Age/occult community for over 15 years.
Additionally, since becoming a Christian, Marcia's knowledge in these areas has been supplemented by her contacts, reading, and research through her ministry, CANA/Christian Answers for the New Age. Since 1994, she has written on these topics for Christian periodicals, has been interviewed on radio shows and for publications, and has lectured on these areas around the country.
To find out more and about this book and to purchase it, visit any of these sites:
Amazon (can be pre-ordered):
Barnes & Noble:
Friday, August 11, 2006
Steven Curtis Chapman Performs at Roman Catholic Forum
Dear friends,
Several hundred years ago, there were a whole handful of reformers who were burnded alive just a short distance from my house - here in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I wonder if the popular Christians musicians of today have any idea just what the Roman Catholic Church is all about. Rome never changes and those who believe in Biblical justfication are still condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. If we were not in the 21st century we too would be burned at the stake. Who knows, maybe we will be?
The question is, who is Steven Curtis Chapman in favor of, the Biblical Jesus and Bibilcal salvation, or the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Catholic salvation?
You can't have both and call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ. Only Biblical salvation will get a person to heaven!
(Friday Church News Notes, August 11, 2006,
- Contemporary Christian musician Stephen Curtis Chapman performed on August 6 at the Roman Catholic youth Fest in Cleveland, Ohio. The Fest, which is in its sixth year, featured a Catholic Mass performed by Bishop Anthony Pilla and the practice of auricular confession to priests.
In an interview before his performance, Chapman said that it is a good thing that the Catholic Church is showing a greater openness to contemporary Christian music.
He said young people tune out preaching but they will listen to music ("Catholics by the Thousands Rock to Christian Tunes," Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 07, 2006).
In typical CCM fashion, Chapman, by his actions, proves that he cares nothing about sound doctrine and repudiates the practice of biblical separation from error (e.g., Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Tim. 3:5).
Several hundred years ago, there were a whole handful of reformers who were burnded alive just a short distance from my house - here in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I wonder if the popular Christians musicians of today have any idea just what the Roman Catholic Church is all about. Rome never changes and those who believe in Biblical justfication are still condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. If we were not in the 21st century we too would be burned at the stake. Who knows, maybe we will be?
The question is, who is Steven Curtis Chapman in favor of, the Biblical Jesus and Bibilcal salvation, or the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Catholic salvation?
You can't have both and call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ. Only Biblical salvation will get a person to heaven!
(Friday Church News Notes, August 11, 2006,
- Contemporary Christian musician Stephen Curtis Chapman performed on August 6 at the Roman Catholic youth Fest in Cleveland, Ohio. The Fest, which is in its sixth year, featured a Catholic Mass performed by Bishop Anthony Pilla and the practice of auricular confession to priests.
In an interview before his performance, Chapman said that it is a good thing that the Catholic Church is showing a greater openness to contemporary Christian music.
He said young people tune out preaching but they will listen to music ("Catholics by the Thousands Rock to Christian Tunes," Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 07, 2006).
In typical CCM fashion, Chapman, by his actions, proves that he cares nothing about sound doctrine and repudiates the practice of biblical separation from error (e.g., Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Tim. 3:5).
Dear friends,
The article below about Hugh Ross is very disturbing. I will write here a few practical comments before listing the article.
If we look at the creation account in Scripture - as well as the great flood in Noah's time [judgment on rebellious mankind], and we teach our children that these did not happen the way the Word of God says they did, our children will begin to deny the Word of God as being the Word of God. They will also dis-believe many more things in the Bible if we teach them to reject the basics.
We are not against science but on a basic and very practical notE - it would be a good idea for 'scientists' to better consider how God wants little children to understand the basics of the Creation account and the basics of the Biblical flood account. Scientificizing the Creation account to the point of rejecting Biblical truth is what is causing multitudes of 'kids' to simply reject the Bible.
Many kids would rather go along with the evolutionists because they see so many of their parents believing in evolution. Why? Because Pastors have taught it to the parents and the parents pass it on to their children. And...they get the evolution lie and the "Noah's ark is a myth" lie at school too.
If we teach our children things contrary to what God's Word says, or make it so scientific that we ruin our children's simple - childlike faith - than are we not hanging millstones around the necks of our children and ruining their trust in God from page 1,2 and 3 of the Bible?
As a Christian dad, I take the Bible at face value and I teach my kids what the Bible says, not what I want it to say. Furthermore, I understand that Satan wants to destroy all children and their precious faith in Jesus. It seems to me that one of the most devilish things in the world to tell children that the flood didn't happen and that God didn't create the heavens and the earth like the Bible says. Kids these days have enough trouble without parents undermining the Bible from page 1,2 and 3. As I recall it was the devil who challenged God's command and said to Eve, "Has God indeed said...?" (Gen 3:1). If we cannot simply believe the Bible on page 1,2 and 3, then why do we believe the rest of it?
Teaching God's Word to our kids really hits home when the 'scientists' who are Christians are telling us things contrary to the basic text of Scripture. is safer to teach your kids what the Bible says at face value than to try to explain away what it says by fine sounding scientific arguments.
(Friday Church News Notes, August 11, 2006, - The following is an excerpt from...
"A Question of Age," May 4, 2006, Institute for Creation Research:
"Dr. Larry Vardiman of ICR and Dr. Jason Lisle of AiG [Answers in Genesis] shared opinions on and evidence for the age of the earth with Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fazale Rana of Reasons to Believe on April 29, 2006 in Fullerton, California. The tone of the conference was cordial throughout the day, but it was obvious that the primary topic of discussion was to be the reliability of a literal interpretation of the Bible. Ross and Rana stated many times that they 'take the Bible seriously and consistently,' but they believe it should not be read literally. Vardiman charged Ross with approaching the Bible with a preconceived scientific model and trying to fit Scripture into this model. Ross denied this allegation, but the audience had numerous opportunities to observe this approach being applied in his explanations. One of the more disturbing misuses of Scripture by Reasons to Believe was their attempt to deny that the death of animals is a result of sin. Rana argued that animals are not really alive according to the Biblical definition of life. Therefore, there is no difficulty with the multitudes of fossils being formed over millions of years before man was created. Of course all the Biblical genealogies are also considered to be inaccurate. Ross also denied the global Flood described in Genesis and even claimed that a Creation account superior to Genesis 1:1-2:3 can be found in Psalm 104. It is a violation of conventionally accepted rules of hermeneutics to use poetic passages to interpret prior narrative passages. Lisle repeatedly appealed to Ross and Rana that God's Word should be read in the most straightforward, literal manner possible recognizing that there are poetic and allegorical passages which need special consideration. However, the response by Ross and Rana was one of profound disregard for such a simplistic belief in God's revelation. It was evident to many in the audience that the old-earth position, expounded by Ross and Rana, gives little regard to God's Word and is built primarily on the theories of man. IT SEEMS EVIDENT THAT ROSS AND RANA NOT ONLY DO NOT TAKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY BUT, ALTHOUGH THEY CLAIM TO DO SO, THEY ALSO DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY."
The article below about Hugh Ross is very disturbing. I will write here a few practical comments before listing the article.
If we look at the creation account in Scripture - as well as the great flood in Noah's time [judgment on rebellious mankind], and we teach our children that these did not happen the way the Word of God says they did, our children will begin to deny the Word of God as being the Word of God. They will also dis-believe many more things in the Bible if we teach them to reject the basics.
We are not against science but on a basic and very practical notE - it would be a good idea for 'scientists' to better consider how God wants little children to understand the basics of the Creation account and the basics of the Biblical flood account. Scientificizing the Creation account to the point of rejecting Biblical truth is what is causing multitudes of 'kids' to simply reject the Bible.
Many kids would rather go along with the evolutionists because they see so many of their parents believing in evolution. Why? Because Pastors have taught it to the parents and the parents pass it on to their children. And...they get the evolution lie and the "Noah's ark is a myth" lie at school too.
If we teach our children things contrary to what God's Word says, or make it so scientific that we ruin our children's simple - childlike faith - than are we not hanging millstones around the necks of our children and ruining their trust in God from page 1,2 and 3 of the Bible?
As a Christian dad, I take the Bible at face value and I teach my kids what the Bible says, not what I want it to say. Furthermore, I understand that Satan wants to destroy all children and their precious faith in Jesus. It seems to me that one of the most devilish things in the world to tell children that the flood didn't happen and that God didn't create the heavens and the earth like the Bible says. Kids these days have enough trouble without parents undermining the Bible from page 1,2 and 3. As I recall it was the devil who challenged God's command and said to Eve, "Has God indeed said...?" (Gen 3:1). If we cannot simply believe the Bible on page 1,2 and 3, then why do we believe the rest of it?
Teaching God's Word to our kids really hits home when the 'scientists' who are Christians are telling us things contrary to the basic text of Scripture. is safer to teach your kids what the Bible says at face value than to try to explain away what it says by fine sounding scientific arguments.
(Friday Church News Notes, August 11, 2006, - The following is an excerpt from...
"A Question of Age," May 4, 2006, Institute for Creation Research:
"Dr. Larry Vardiman of ICR and Dr. Jason Lisle of AiG [Answers in Genesis] shared opinions on and evidence for the age of the earth with Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fazale Rana of Reasons to Believe on April 29, 2006 in Fullerton, California. The tone of the conference was cordial throughout the day, but it was obvious that the primary topic of discussion was to be the reliability of a literal interpretation of the Bible. Ross and Rana stated many times that they 'take the Bible seriously and consistently,' but they believe it should not be read literally. Vardiman charged Ross with approaching the Bible with a preconceived scientific model and trying to fit Scripture into this model. Ross denied this allegation, but the audience had numerous opportunities to observe this approach being applied in his explanations. One of the more disturbing misuses of Scripture by Reasons to Believe was their attempt to deny that the death of animals is a result of sin. Rana argued that animals are not really alive according to the Biblical definition of life. Therefore, there is no difficulty with the multitudes of fossils being formed over millions of years before man was created. Of course all the Biblical genealogies are also considered to be inaccurate. Ross also denied the global Flood described in Genesis and even claimed that a Creation account superior to Genesis 1:1-2:3 can be found in Psalm 104. It is a violation of conventionally accepted rules of hermeneutics to use poetic passages to interpret prior narrative passages. Lisle repeatedly appealed to Ross and Rana that God's Word should be read in the most straightforward, literal manner possible recognizing that there are poetic and allegorical passages which need special consideration. However, the response by Ross and Rana was one of profound disregard for such a simplistic belief in God's revelation. It was evident to many in the audience that the old-earth position, expounded by Ross and Rana, gives little regard to God's Word and is built primarily on the theories of man. IT SEEMS EVIDENT THAT ROSS AND RANA NOT ONLY DO NOT TAKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY BUT, ALTHOUGH THEY CLAIM TO DO SO, THEY ALSO DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY."
Monday, August 07, 2006
"Blasphemizing" The Bible by Sandy Simpson
Dear friends,
Sandy Simpson has done his homework well on this Deception in the Church article. Sandy is a missionary in the Hawaiian islands and has written volumes of discernment literature. This recent article is very important for all missionaries and Pastors - and all Christians put together.
As a missionary myself, I find it utterly grievous that people are doing what Sandy has exposed here in this article - changing the name of the Living God in Scripture, YHWH, to the names of 'foreign gods' in new Bible translations. This is downright wicked! It is simply unbelievable how far people are going these days to try to make the Bible user friendly.
Don't buy into the trap of changing the name of God just to suit personal or religious fancy.
"Blasphemizing" The Bible
by Sandy Simpson,
Apologetics Coordination Team,
7/26/06 UPDATED 8/3/06 IN RED!
Okay. I realize that "blasphemizing" is not a proper English word. But it is the only way I could express what has been happening in recent years with regard to the translation of the Bible into many languages around the world, substituting the names of "supreme being" gods from many cultures in place of the name of God, YHWH.
In my research into the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) events or the movement which Richard Twiss has termed the "First Nations" movement, I began to realize that a number of Bible translation societies, some of which endorse the WCGIP events, have begun to substitute other gods names for YHWH, the I AM in Bibles all over the world.
Endorsers of the 3rd WCGIP Event were as follows:
AD 2000 & Beyond Movement
American Bible Society
Canadian Bible Society
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
First Nations Alliance Churches (C&MA) Canada
Global Harvest Ministry
International Reconciliation Coalition (IRC)
Lutheran Association of Missionaries & Pilots
Mission America
Sacred Assembly - Canada
World Vision Canada
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Youth for Christ - Canada (
Twiss is touted for having "worked with International Bible Society [and] Promise Keepers...[and] is a consultant on racial reconciliation for Promise Keepers." (Joseph Epes Brown, The Sacred Pipe. Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux (University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 7,45). (Native American Gospel? Q&A - Berean Call - January, 1998,
All this to show that many Bible societies are following the same agenda as the WCGIP and the New Apostolic Reformation which is headed by C. Peter Wagner of the International Coalition of Apostles, Global Harvest Ministries and Mission America.
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Sandy Simpson has done his homework well on this Deception in the Church article. Sandy is a missionary in the Hawaiian islands and has written volumes of discernment literature. This recent article is very important for all missionaries and Pastors - and all Christians put together.
As a missionary myself, I find it utterly grievous that people are doing what Sandy has exposed here in this article - changing the name of the Living God in Scripture, YHWH, to the names of 'foreign gods' in new Bible translations. This is downright wicked! It is simply unbelievable how far people are going these days to try to make the Bible user friendly.
Don't buy into the trap of changing the name of God just to suit personal or religious fancy.
"Blasphemizing" The Bible
by Sandy Simpson,
Apologetics Coordination Team,
7/26/06 UPDATED 8/3/06 IN RED!
Okay. I realize that "blasphemizing" is not a proper English word. But it is the only way I could express what has been happening in recent years with regard to the translation of the Bible into many languages around the world, substituting the names of "supreme being" gods from many cultures in place of the name of God, YHWH.
In my research into the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) events or the movement which Richard Twiss has termed the "First Nations" movement, I began to realize that a number of Bible translation societies, some of which endorse the WCGIP events, have begun to substitute other gods names for YHWH, the I AM in Bibles all over the world.
Endorsers of the 3rd WCGIP Event were as follows:
AD 2000 & Beyond Movement
American Bible Society
Canadian Bible Society
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
First Nations Alliance Churches (C&MA) Canada
Global Harvest Ministry
International Reconciliation Coalition (IRC)
Lutheran Association of Missionaries & Pilots
Mission America
Sacred Assembly - Canada
World Vision Canada
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Youth for Christ - Canada (
Twiss is touted for having "worked with International Bible Society [and] Promise Keepers...[and] is a consultant on racial reconciliation for Promise Keepers." (Joseph Epes Brown, The Sacred Pipe. Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux (University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 7,45). (Native American Gospel? Q&A - Berean Call - January, 1998,
All this to show that many Bible societies are following the same agenda as the WCGIP and the New Apostolic Reformation which is headed by C. Peter Wagner of the International Coalition of Apostles, Global Harvest Ministries and Mission America.
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