sailor take warning,
red sky at night,
sailors delight."
Sunrise over Eastern Scotland - October 27, 2006
Here is another small news clip illustrating the fact that the red sky warning of the Laodicean age has come. The signs of end times apostasy are everywhere folks. Only the spiritually blind or immature believer cannot see them.
When Christianity Today, a publication noted for its incredible lack of discernment, mentions that we are in the Laodicean age, we must really be pretty far down the road of evangelical apostasy.
The author of the Christianity Today article boasts,
"We now have institutional resources and influential churches to a degree barely hoped for 50 years ago. Our people are better educated and more affluent."
We remark...
Yes, many Christian people are well educated and affluent, and they are promoting Christian yoga, Christia inner-healing, Christian visualization, Christian levitation, Christian heat healing (reiki), Christian labyrinths, Christian 'centering prayer', Christian mantras, Christian chanting, Christian drumming, Christian altered states of consciousness, Christian 'breath prayers', Christian dream interpretation (Christian psychics), Christian barking, Christian rolling, Christian holy laughter (see Hindu cults), Christian uncontrollable crying, Christian spasmotic jerking, Christian slithering (like snakes) etc. ad nauseum.
But all these things, that many so-called well educated Christian leaders are endorsing are not only unbiblical, they come from the world of the occult. See Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Serpent worship, Eastern Guru cults, the Kumbha Mela (30-70 millions Hindu worshipper festival seeking an experience) etc.
The signs of the times are all over the place and the place to look for answers is no longer to be found in many pulpits. Believers need to read the Word of God and test all things, regardless of who is preaching and teaching them, oursleves included! 1 Thessalonians 5:221 and Acts 17:11 still apply.
Jude 3-4 says it correctly that false teachers have "crept in unawares". In our day thay have come in with their contemplative, new age, and occult spirituallity and techniqes. They have "Christianized" these and have produced a generation of sign seeking spiritual junkies who will not stop until they are bloated with spiritual quick fixes. "Experience" - the root and foundation of occultism, has been repackaged and pawned off on undiscerning church-goers as the "New Spiritual Formation". The clarion call of the Christian church in our day is no longer "study the Word of God and show thyself approved unto God, a workmen that needeth not be ashamed...", but, "experience the God within as you hear the inner-voice, sense His presence, and chant your Christian mantra." This is Hinduism for the West!
No wonder that the Laodicean age has come! The flock is eating poisonous weeds just as fast as the compromised publishing houses, bookstores and pulpits can produce them. The sheep have been fattened up for the kill and the doors of slaughterhouse apostasy are swinging wide open to the masses.
Lord Jesus come quickly!
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(Friday Church News Notes, October 27, 2006, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)
- An editorial posted to the Christianity Today web site on October 19, 2006, inadvertently admits the Laodicean character of contemporary evangelicalism. The article, "Let's Improve the Public Perception of Evangelicalism," frets about public misperceptions of their movement, especially that "in the public's mind" evangelicalism is "linked with extreme fundamentalism." Horror of horrors! For 50 years the New Evangelicals have been trying to portray themselves as the reasonable, scholarly, positive face of Christianity, but society still thinks they are just fundamentalists. It is laughable. The author recounts the beginnings of modern evangelicalism as follows: "Let's agree that the word evangelical still works, but not like it did when the pioneers of the neo-evangelical movement adopted it. At that time, it signaled their positive stance for the gospel along with a fresh, non-fundamentalist agenda of cooperation and cultural engagement." Observe that the writer admits that New-Evangelicalism is this generation's heritage, and he glories in the fact that evangelicalism has rejected separatistic fundamentalism for a "positive stance." This confirms what we have long said, that evangelicalism and neo-evangelicalism have become synonyms over the past 50 years. The author then boasts about evangelicalism's greatness as follows: "We now have institutional resources and influential churches to a degree barely hoped for 50 years ago. Our people are better educated and more affluent." The Lord must be terribly impressed. "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked" (Rev. 3:17).