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Spiritual Research Network.org

SRN Resources

—A Directory of Authors: Three NOT Recommended Lists
—How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire
—The Alpha Course: An Evangelical Contradiction
—Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible?
—TaizĂ©—A Community and Worship: Ecumenical Reconciliation or an Interfaith Delusion?
—Jesus Calling Sarah Young ExposĂ©​ Archive—A closer look at Sarah Young's dangerous occult (hidden) teachings

See also

Monday, March 29, 2021

Dangers of Yoga Being Expressed by Yogis, Authors, and Devoted Practitioners

Are you familiar with the dangers of Yoga and what can happen to you even if you just do Yoga for "exercise"? Much can be said on this topic, and we refer you to the DangersOfYoga.com website for more information.  Visit https://www.dangersofyoga.com for more articles, videos, and numerous warnings from various authors, both for and against Yoga.