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Spiritual Research Network.org

SRN Resources

—A Directory of Authors: Three NOT Recommended Lists
—How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire
—The Alpha Course: An Evangelical Contradiction
—Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible?
—TaizĂ©—A Community and Worship: Ecumenical Reconciliation or an Interfaith Delusion?
—Jesus Calling Sarah Young ExposĂ©​ Archive—A closer look at Sarah Young's dangerous occult (hidden) teachings

See also

Sunday, November 20, 2005

"IN JESUS" and Heresy

Recently we received an e-mail in regards to our use of the IN JESUS email service. (http://www.injesus.com/ ). We have used their service this last year off and on. We are writing to let you know where we stand in relation to OTHER ministries that use the IN JESUS service. We do not want to confuse believers about where we stand on the Third Wave / Signs and Wonders movement. IN JESUS is “open game” as far as who uses their service. All one has to do is “say” they are a Christian group. Sadly, many off base ministries are using IN JESUS which is actually a good E-Letter service as far as what they offer to the user/client.

This is just a reminder that the ministry of Chris Lawson /Spiritual Research Network DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY Third Wave teachers, the movement itself, or any ministries associated with it. We never have and we never will. Many of the teachings in this movement can be categorically refuted as
aberrant, heretical and thoroughly damaging to a Christian's faith.

Much of what goes on in this movement causes the world to look upon the “Church” with disdain. It is no wonder that the wolrd mocks the Christian church... See the following two examples:

1) Dateline exposing Benny Hinn (for the second time)
http://wittenburgdoor.com/godstuff/dateline_hinn.html ; and
2) Benny Hinn’s wife going absolutely crazy on stage http://www.beliefnet.com/story/3/story_317_1.html .

The world sees this rubbish and says… "That is Christian???”

Further, our ministry does not endorse C. Peter Wagner’s “Apostles of the New Reformation”, Chuck Pierce, Jack Deere, etc. movement. These men place themselves above Scripture, something Jesus Christ did not even do! We also do not endorse any of the aberrant teachers and teachings associated with it. C. Peter Wagner and his friends have some re-thinking to do. The things they say and do are extremely unbiblical.
See Apostles of the New Reformation - DVD/VIDEO
See Apostles of the New Reformation - Discernment Book with quotes

Neither do we endorse any part of the
Word-Faith/Prosperity Gospel movement, its teachings, or any of its teachers. The Word-Faith movement is clearly cultic in origin, damages believers in Christ, and provides untold millions of dollars to men and woman who twist the Scriptures and lead believers astray. See Online Audio Clips of Teachers

Many ministries on the IN JESUS Community AS WELL AS MANY INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIANS would do well to research the history, teachings and statements of the Christian leaders they are listening to.

This can be done here: Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, C. Peter Wagner, etc.

You may also want to type in Robert Schuller, Purpose Driven, Emerging Church, Purpose Driven, Labyrinth, Contemplative Prayer, Yoga, Mysticism, Spiritual Warfare, Renovare Bible, etc.


WE ARE ABOUT TO SWITCH E-letter SERVICES as we do not wish to confuse any believers. We also do not want to confuse anyone who may be interested in the SRN ministry and other ministries that we support or have links to. We sincerely apologize if we have confused anyone about where we stand on these issues.

Compromising “the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3-4) is a grievous sin and abomination before the Living God. We choose to stand with Pastors, teachers, ministries and churches who adhere to Biblical truth.

Chris at SRN
"Little children, keep yourselves from idols."
1 John 5:21