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Friday, October 20, 2006

SPECIAL REPORT: Non-Christian Authors, Books Continue to Haunt the Christian Bookstore Industry

Dear All,
At the link below is a very important report. Bud Press has done an excellent job in researching what is going on with the Christian Book industry. People are compromising the truth in order to make a few bucks, or, a few million bucks.

This report confirms again and again what we have also seen , at the Parable Christian Book store in San Luis Obispo, California, at the Wesley Owen Christian Bookstore in Edinburgh, at the Christian Booksellers Convention in Atlanta, etc - NO DISCERNMENT AND NO CONCERN FOR TRUTH !
Even at the Wesley Owen Bookstore in Edinburgh, when the manager was lovingly confronted regarding the blatant, anti-Christian heresies of Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland, the manager told me to my face that she would allow the store to sell heresy...because it is popular and people will buy it what is popular. What kind of "Christian bookstore manager" is this?

Just because a clown wears a smile does not mean the face behind the mask is a happy one. So too, just because a Christian bookstore is called "Christian" does not mean that what you buy will by any means be "Christian". In fact, it may even be downright satanic.

Watch out and use discernment or you might be led astray from Christ by what your local compromising Christian Bookstore has sold you.

-SRN Philippians 1:8-11 -----
Now online at Christian Research Service:

SPECIAL REPORT: Non-Christian Authors, Books Continue to Haunt the Christian Bookstore Industry

"The time has come when the entire Christian bookstore industry must take a serious look at who and what they are advertising and promoting, then do something about it--not six months from now or next year--but immediately."

Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin (James 4:17).
Online at: http://www.christianresearchservice.com/bookstores5.htm