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Saturday, January 28, 2006

New Age Infiltration Through Christian Bookstores

New Age infiltration into the Christian Church

As of late, a handful of Christian discernment research ministries have been researching and exposing what is going on in Christian Bookstores (Online too) - - - New Age infiltration into the Christian Church.

Sadly, many Bookstore ministries are rejecting well researched evidence of New Age infiltration into the church. In many places, discernment ministires who call Christian Bookstores to account are perceived as 'Bible believing fundamentalist discernment folk'. It seems that Christian Bookstore owners who reject accountability think they are above being accountable to the local churches and even Body of Christ as a whole. Since when did Jesus and the Apostles promote New Age techniques anyway? And then sell it in the name of 'Christian Ministry'.

Please take the time to read this Blog Post and then click the link to read the full article. You will be shocked at just what is really happening and being received by countless Christians as 'deeper spirituality'. The bookstore owners ought to know better! We are grateful to Bud Press who has been exposing these issues.

We have posted this News Alert from Christian Research service again due to the grave inportance of this issue.

Chris Lawson at SRN
Phil. 1:8-11

Spread The Word Online Christian Bookstore:
Spreading more than just the 'Word'


Packed with quotes, direct Links to Spread The Word's online bookstore, and Scriptural references from God's holy word, this informative article reveals how New Age authors, books and materials continue to creep into one of the largest online Christian bookstores in the world."As long as any bookstore claims to be Christian, it should be Christian from front to rear, and everything in between. But where lackadaisical attitudes prevail, the innocent and gullible suffer."Now online at Christian Research Service (See Link Below)

Article - By Bud Press, Christian Research ServiceTo the Reader:
It has been almost two years since Christian Research Service first established contact with Spread The Word representatives and, eventually, its President,
Steve Darrow. Since then, CRS has provided them with information and documentation pertaining to the non-Christian authors, books, and materials being advertised and promoted within Spread The Word's online Christian bookstore (correspondence on file).

To their credit, Spread The Word has removed non-Christian books from its inventory in the past, and should be commended. Certainly, providing Christian books and materials to the body of Christ on a massive scale is an important task, and can be overwhelming at times. However, once the materials are removed, implementing safeguards to prevent their filtering back into the body of Christ is equally important. Accordingly, because of the constant flow of non-Christian authors, books and materials into the Christian church, it is extremely important that website managers continuously monitor their websites and databases to ensure that only solid, Bible-based materials are being presented to the body of Christ.

As with any online Christian bookstore, Spread The Word has the ability and capability to monitor, delete and block non-Christian authors and books from their own inventory and databases. And, when necessary, Spread The Word has the prerogative and authority to contact their distributors and publishers, and place a block on non-Christian books and materials.

As long as any bookstore claims to be Christian, it should be Christian from front to rear, and everything in between. But where lackadaisical attitudes prevail, the innocent and gullible suffer. Therefore, the spiritual welfare of Christians, as well as those searching for the real Jesus Christ and His salvation, should be foremost in the minds of everyone involved with and connected to the Christian bookstore industry.A note of caution: This information contains quotes from New Agers and links to New Age sources. The New Age Movement is subtle, seductive and extremely dangerous to the spiritual welfare of the believer. Reader discretion is advised.

Read and test before you agree or sign
Before Christians agree to or sign anything on the dotted line, it is imperative to put what they are about to get involved in to the Biblical test (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1). Then, if what is being tested contradicts the Bible, or is found to be disingenuous, deceptive or hypocritical, then it must be rejected.As with many online Christian bookstores, Spread The Word offers an affiliate
Registered Member plan. Should an individual, church or organization choose to open their own online Christian bookstore, Spread The Word can assist their membership affiliates in blocking unwanted books and materials from their online bookstores.But if the prospective member fails to do their homework and review the inventory beforehand, and pays the "$580" fee, the member will unknowingly promote Hinduism, Yoga, and other forms of the New Age Movement--as verified by the documentation below...

If this is not enough, here are some recommended links from the Christian Research Service on this same topic.

When Churches Promote Books Instead of The Book
- Chris Carmichael, Christian Unplugged

Internet Christian Bookstores: Haven for Non-Christian Materials

What's Going On In Bookstores?
- Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason

Trinkets or Truth?
- Lynn Vincent

Filtering Out Heresy Online
- Neil Bartlett, CBA MARKETPLACE

True or False? How Can You Keep False Doctrine Off Your Store Shelves?
- Neil Bartlett, CBA MARKETPLACE

Christianbook.com Compromises the Faith

Interview with Mormon Author Robert Millet
- Eerdmans.com

Greg Johnson Promotes Pro-LDS Author's Book

Letters to Mardel Christian & Educational Supply



Spread The Word Online Christian Bookstore: Spreading More Than Just the 'Word'

Master List!
Are Online Christian Bookstores carrying New Age authors? Check the Master List for recently updated information!

Spread The Word Online Christian Bookstore: Spreading more than just the 'Word'