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Sunday, February 05, 2006

PRESS RELEASE- Rick Warren's Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan vs. Scripture

PRESS RELEASE: Rick Warren's Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan vs. Scripture
James Sundquist is now available at Rock Salt Publishing:

& Moriel Ministries

and may be downloaded as a PDF file from: http://procinwarn.com/ websites:

"I thank the Lord that He held it back until now, as I think it is now it is better (thanks to my friends below) than ever with urgent updates since my book Who's Driving the Purpose Driven Church? was published by Southwest Radio Church (swrc.com). I want to extend my profound gratitude to Sarah, Ingrid, Jason, Paula, Bob, my beloved wife Karen, Art, Chris, Hadley, Kaycia, Ray, Trayce, Scott, Jacob, Angela, Wendys (both), Warren, Simon, and Paul for all of your help and encouragment on this very important document...I know I forget someone. I also want to thank The Conservative Theological Journal for publishing two articles I wrote on Rick Warren's teachings in their August and December 2005 issues and their very favorable review of my book on Rick Warren's teachings.

James Sundquist
DirectorRock Salt Publishing