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Friday, May 19, 2006

Interfaith Code of Religious Conversion???

Code of Religious Conversion???

This article below our comment here came from the www.wayoflife.org - Church News Notes. How in the world are we going to evangelize the lost like Jesus said if we have to follow a strict COD EOF CONVERSION. Will it be so strict that we cannot say 'Jesus is the ONLY WAY'? For that is what Jesus Himself believed and said...

"I AM the way, the truth, and the life: and no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 16:6)




Friday Church News Notes, May 19, 2006
- The World Council of Churches and the Vatican have announced that they are conducting a joint study aimed at developing a shared code of conduct on religious conversion (Ekklesia.co.uk, May 10). The project is named "Interreligious reflection on conversion from controversy to shared code of conduct" and will involve representatives of non-Christian religions, including Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim. Hans Ucko of the World Council said, "The issue of religious conversion remains a controversial dimension in many interconfessional and interreligious relations." In October 2003 the World Council of Churches joined the Conference of European Churches to denounce "proselytism" and to urge Christians not to try to convert members of other churches and denominations. The joint declaration stated: "We should never try to encourage Christians who belong to a church to change their allegiance by ways and means that contradict the spirit of Christian love, violate the freedom of the human person and diminish trust in the Christian witness of the church" ("Eastern European Churches Denounce Proselytism," Ecumenical News International, Oct. 21, 2003).

While we do not believe in pressuring anyone to convert to the truth, it is a fact that the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded that we preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15), and that certainly includes nominal Christians who have merely a form of godliness, and we are further responsible to rebuke error and to try to convert those who are in error. "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh" (Jude 23).