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Monday, July 24, 2006

Rome Peace Conference

Rome Peace Conference

- I wrote in the Omega Files in 2002 p 97: "European Union leaders have declared they stand 'ready to contribute fully to peace-building' and support an international peace conference, jointly hosted by the EU, the US, the UN, and Russia, to discuss with the Israelis and the Palestinians security, political and economic issues in the Middle East. Both Prime Minister Sharon and Shimon Peres have expressed interest in Rome being the venue. Sharon said: "We have excellent relations with Rome and my personal relations with Prime Minister Berlusconi are great."

Berlusconi also has good relations with the Palestinians, as Italy has proposed a 'Marshall Plan' to help revive the Palestinian economy. Rome mayor Walter Veltroni offered the Eternal city as a possible location for the talks, saying, "If a peace conference for the Middle East is held, then Rome would be the ideal venue."From the point of view of biblical prophecy it is highly likely that some kind of peace deal will emerge involving Rome and the European Union acting as mediators. Whether that involves the characters in power at the time of writing this remains to be seen, but in many ways we see the stage being set for a peace treaty, which will tie in with the prophecies of the Bible.

It is interesting that the Oslo Accords broke down exactly seven years after the signing ceremony in Washington. Instead of a final peace ceremony, the world's TV screens were filled with images of Israeli soldiers fighting with Palestinians on the Temple Mount, as the Al Aqsa Intifada began. Oslo was a kind of dry run of the final peace treaty, which is coming, which will end up seven years later with the armies of the world gathering at Armageddon!Watch this space.
Tony Pearce