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Thursday, July 20, 2006

World Methodists to sign up to Lutheran-Catholic Agreement

World Methodists to sign up to Lutheran-Catholic Agreement

The statement below, after my opening remarks and before my conclusion, was posted on the Ecumenical News International E-Update.

As I read the statement below I think about the Wesley brothers that traveled on horse and foot preaching the Gospel and singing hyms to the Almighty God of the universe. If only they knew how bad things would get in Methodism they would have cried their eyes out.

I recently traveled through the Yorkshire Dales in England, ... back in the middle of nowhere... where these men and many others led people to Jesus Christ by preaching the Gospel of Biblical justification. In opposition to ROME and the HERESIES that she has produced through the centuries, Biblical justification stands as the center of true Biblical, Gospel salvation.

It is a crying shame that the power of satanic blindness has fallen across the brows and eyes of "Methodism", something that started out with the truths of Scripture, and has now almost completely become an apostate ecumenical delusion in most quarters. This ought not to be so! Read the statement from ENI...

World Methodists to sign up to Lutheran-Catholic agreement

Ecumenical News International News Highlights, 19 July 2006
Geneva (ENI).
A global gathering of Methodist churches is set to sign up to a groundbreaking agreement between Lutherans and Roman Catholics on the doctrine of justification, a key doctrinal question at the time of the 16th century Protestant Reformation.

"This was one of the issues that created the split that formed
the Protestant church,"
the Rev. George H. Freeman, general secretary of the World Methodist Council. He was peaking in advance of the World Methodist Conference in Seoul.
[575 words, ENI-06-0577]

What would the Wesley's and the reformers of the 16th century Reformation think if they read this today? These people who are making these ecumenical decisions know exactly what they are rejecting. If they really stood for the truth of Scripture they would not be joining hands with Rome. But they are rejecting Scriputre. In doing so they are rejecting the God of Scripture.

All servants, friends and ministers of the Biblical Jesus, Biblical justification, and balanced Biblical truth...we must adhere to the Word of God lest we too drift away in the flood of apostasy.

As time goes on we will continue to see more of the very large, international, mainline Christian denominations signing up with the Roman Catholic Church. This is no secret, it is mass apostasy. This is simply one more proof that the great apostasy is blooming bigger and stronger and more powerful than most people would have ever considered.

No wonder the Apostle John was undone when he saw the vision of the woman dressed in scarlet riding the beast. The Roman Catholic church has been recognized throughout the centuries as the Great whore of Babylyon. Today, more than ever, she, Rome, is gainging momentum with un precedented effectiveness. The Roman Catholic Church is absorbing 21st century protestantism as 21st century protestantism continues to apostasize.

How is this happening? Infiltration! Divide and Conquer! False teachers creeping in unawares! The numbing of Christians! Apathy, dullness, compromise, carelessness! The ultimate oxymoron - "Unsaved Christian Ministers"! Counterfeit converts! False teachers! Ecumenism! Dialogue without truth! UNity around a lie! Lack of Biblical teaching on the BASICS of salvation! Dumbing down the Gospel! Feel good Christianity that loves experience instead of truth! Ecumenical Jihad! And of course...Eucharistic adoration that undermines the cross, the Person of Christ, the Holiness of God, Biblical justification, etc.

Think on this, Roman Catholic and "Protestants" joining arms and trampling the the truths of Biblical justification under foot; forgetting all the men and women who shed their own blood to stand up for the Bible and what justification really means. And most of all, forsaking their LORD who died so that sinners might be J U S T I F I E D - delcared 100% totally righteous before All Holy God. THIS TRUTH IS CONSIDERED TO BE BLASPHEMY TO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND IS STILL UNDER THE ANATHEMAS PRONOUNDED AT THE COUNCIL OF TRENT - WHICH ROME UPHOLDS TODAY AND STILL APPLIES TO ALL TRUE "PROTESTANTS". ...And we could also say, according to Rome, every single person who believes in Biblical justification but would prefer not to call themselves "Protestants".

Folks, the day to "nail your colors to the mast" is here. Will it be Rome or the Bible for you? If you do not understand the Scriptures as well as the dangers of Rome, you will succumb to the apostate flood! Rome never changes! Choose this day whom you will serve...the Biblical Jesus or worldly ecumenism. I encourage you to spend one hour comparing your Bible to the doctrines of Rome, you will be shocked at what you find! Here is a suggested website in favor of Biblical justification http://www.pro-gospel.org/ .

"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."

Jude 3-4

~Chris at SRN