The New Evangelization and The Coming Eucharistic Reign of Jesus
by Roger Oakland
The Roman Catholic Church’s belief that the “presence” of Jesus Christ becomes manifest by the mystical process of transubstantiation during Mass has been foundational to their faith for centuries. [1] According to the Roman Catholic Church, a Roman Catholic priest supposedly has the authority and the power to conjure up the presence of the Creator of the universe from a wafer. In order to be a Roman Catholic, the church requires members to accept this belief and be obedient to it. There are no exceptions. [2]
While it is true that during the Reformation and Counter Reformation, many who refused to believe in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist died or were tortured for their disbelief, time has a way of allowing the facts of history to be forgotten. [3] It is also a fact there are even practicing Roman Catholics today who do not abide by the Church’s proclaimed standard that they must believe the consecrated wafer is God and not just a symbol of remembrance. [4]
This, of course, was one of the major reasons for the “New Evangelization” program implemented by Pope John Paul II during his time of leadership. In April of 2003, the pope wrote an encyclical promoting the “New Evangelization” program for the purpose of “rekindling amazement” focussing on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. [5] From that point on, I have been following the Roman Catholic agenda to win the world to the Roman Catholic Jesus.
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