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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ken Blanchard - Leading Like Jesus?

Ken Blanchard - Leading Like Jesus?

In order to lead like Jesus, one ought to obey the Doctrine of Jesus and His heavenly Father. See our SRN Blog Post on 'Doctrine' to read about what the New Testament says about 'Doctrine'.

Interestingly, Rick warren has joined up withKen Blanmchard to train an army of Christians. Interestingly, Ken Blanchard has endorsed New Age books and occult literture. 'AS A CHRISTIAN', he has been involved with some things that should cause any Bible believer to stand up and hold up a giant discernment flag! But many Christians are crying, 'Don't judge'!

We encourage all readers to read some of these very revealing articles concerning Ken Blanchard's affiliations, connections, endorsements, etc.

Do some homework and find out just what Ken Blanchard is really involved in...


Ken Blanchard: Promoting New Age and Buddhism

Ken Blanchard and the Hoffman Quadrinity Process

Ken Blanchard's New Age Affiliations and Book Endorsements

Letter to Ken Blanchard: With Love and Concern (July 21, 2005)

Ken Blanchard IMPORTANT UPDATE (August 21, 2005)

UPDATE ON KEN BLANCHARD: Day 60 (September 20, 2005)

The Question of Association: Guilty or Not Guilty?

Ken Blanchard Update (by James Walker, President of Watchman Fellowship)

Ken Blanchard and Rick Warren Team Up!

Ken Blanchard Shares Speaking Platform with Globalist Leaders

The Strange Case of Ken Blanchard

Rick Warren and Ken Blanchard Sermon Clip

Rick Warren Teams Up with New Age Guru Ken Blanchard

Dr. David Jeremiah Joins Ken Blanchard at Lead Like Jesus Conference

Watchman Fellowship Identifies Ken Blanchard as New Age

Ken Blanchard: "It Made My Spirituality Come Alive"

Jacob Prasch Comments: David Jeremiah and Ken Blanchard

VCY America Radio Interviews Deborah Dombrowski

Ken Blanchard, Rick Warren Connections

David Jeremiah: Turning Point Refuses the Truth

David Jeremiah Not To Speak at Lead Like Jesus Celebration

Lighthouse Trails Research August/September 2005 Newsletter

Ken Blanchard's Lead Like Jesus and Robert Schuller

Ken Blanchard and Rick Warren

Rick Warren Connections (from Deception in the Church Ministries)

David Jeremiah Drops VCY America Radio

What is a Servant-Leader? - Herescope and the Discernment Research Group

Bob Buford Invests in Ken Blanchard

Ken Blanchard: Leading like Jesus or being Managed by Other Forces? - Mike Oppenheimer